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Join the Six Day Sprint for a better 2025

amazing life hearth & home home and hearth organized home Dec 17, 2024
Women in silhouette celebrating during the sunset with title 6 day sprint for a better 2025


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Am I the only one who goes through a post holiday slump? Those days between Christmas and the New Year when days and time don’t seem to matter, but when you get to the New Year, you wish you had done more to start the year better? I hope not because that’s what we’re going to talk about today.

Hello my lovelies! Welcome to the Moving Toward Better Podcast. I’m your host, Karen Bemmes, and today we’re talking about what to do during the 6 days between Christmas and New Year’s to end this year well and start the New Year better as well.

Before we dive in, I want to make it clear that what I am about to share are experiences from my own life and what I learned along the way. Your situation may be different, and this is no substitute for financial, medical or mental health intervention if your situation warrants it. This podcast series is designed to help people understand themselves and others better based on their personalities.  It is not intended to diagnose or treat any mental or physical condition.  If you suspect you or a family member is at risk of physical or mental harm, please seek proper medical help immediately.

For those who are new to the podcast, when I talk about personalities, communication and relationships, I use the DISC personality model of behavior and refer to people as D or Driven, I or Inspired, S or Supportive, and C or Cautious. You can find links to take your own Personality Assessment in the Show Notes.

If you’ve been around for any length of time, you know I’m all about practical tips to keep life moving forward with more purpose, fun and  joy, and less stress.

Some years the holidays are a struggle from start to finish. Some years the holidays are magical, but let’s be real: in either case, you can get to December 26th with an empty tank and that’s generally a bad thing. That’s why I created a 6-day post holiday sprint to help you reset, refresh, and reignite your energy before the new year rolls in.

This is not a sprint that leaves you gasping for breath when you’re finished. It is designed to help you wake up on January 1st feeling peaceful and calm rather than feeling like you’re behind before the year is even started.

While this is something you can do on your own, I am going to encourage you to join the Moving Toward Better email list because I will be sending an email reminder daily and will be inviting you to a Zoom call as well if you want that type of accountability. Go to the Moving Toward Better Home page and sign up for our email list to learn more.

I’ve done this for several years now, and even if I do a shortened one because we have other activities, I always feel better when I accomplish a few things in a few moments per day, and I’ll bet you will too.

As a matter of fact, if you’re a Driven person, you can challenge yourself to see how much you can accomplish in the time we set each day. 

If you’re an Inspired personality, see how much fun you can have while making progress. Add music or sign up with a friend or be part of the accountability group and make something you might not see as fun more pleasant than you could imagine.

If you’re a Supportive personality, ask your family or a friend to join the 6 day sprint with you, especially one you know could use some extra encouragement during the holidays. That way you help yourself while helping someone else.

And finally, if you are a Cautious personality, I know you have lists and they may be long, and those long lists can be paralyzing because you want to do everything perfectly, so the 6 Day Sprint gives you the opportunity to get started and to stop even if you go a bit beyond the prescribed time limit, which we both know you’ll probably do.

So here are the basics we’ll plan on each day, and each day is adaptable to your specific schedule and needs.

Day 1 (December 26): Reset Your Space day

Day one is all about resetting your space. With all of the gift opening and playing, the day after Christmas can feel overwhelming with all of the new items that don’t have a home yet, so we’re going to start small. Your job today is to spend 15 minutes tidying up—whether it’s clearing away wrapping paper, organizing gifts, or doing a quick sweep of the kitchen.

Focus on areas that you can see the progress. For me, that will be my kitchen table. Once that’s clear, I can move on to other things. This simple act of 15 minutes of tidying up sets the tone for the rest of your week.

Everyday will also have at least one tip of the day too. Day 1 has multiple to address every personality.

Day 2 (December 27th): Reflect and Recharge

On Day 2, we take a moment to reflect on the holiday season. What went well? What brought you joy? Jot down your thoughts in a journal or notes app or type it up and put it in your Holiday Journal or Planner. Make sure that you have it somewhere you can and will access it next year. Put it in your calendar for next year to look at those notes, and you might even save yourself some time, money and frustration.

And if you don’t have the Happiest Holidays Book and Planner, you need to grab them. That way, you’ll be prepared for next year long before it gets here. Links are in the show notes.

Once you’ve reflected and written down your notes, take time to recharge. Walk, meditate, or curl up with a good book. Nap if you can or watch movies with the family if that’s your thing. The goal today is to fill your energy tank back up whatever that means for you.

Day 3 (December 28th): Write It Out

Today we take a moment to write any thank you notes that we want to send, find homes for gifts and check the laundry that might have piled up over the holidays. While you don’t need to be in a rush to get any holiday linens clean and put away, it never hurts to get a start.

Day 4 (December 29th): What is your vision for the New Year?

Listen, I gave up big yearly goals and vision boards a long time ago because the pressure was just too much and life never went as planned. Instead, I focus on activity, mood and tone. I know that’s difficult for some, and with my business, I work with coaches, so goals are a must, soooo I have a hack for that, which I’ll share with you during the 6 Day Sprint.

There is a hint in the show notes and YouTube description, though.

Day 5 (December 30th): Plan Your First Week of 2025

This isn’t about planning every moment of every day of the New Year. So many people, especially those who are not task oriented, try to change everything about themselves through sheer will and that is a recipe for disaster. Instead, I’ll share ideas and strategies to do the things you want to do without trying to change who you are.

There’s also a hint for this tip in the show notes and description, so check it out.

Day 6 (December 31st): Celebrate and Close Out the Year 

Day 6 is all about celebrating, and you get to choose how to do that, but I will share traditions from around the world about what others do, and maybe it will inspire you to start your own traditions as well.

The tip for day 6 is simple, and I think you’ll really like it.

Join us!

To join the sprint, join the Moving Toward Better email list here:   

Until next time, keep moving toward better, whatever that means for you. Love you all!

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