30 Days of Thanks for a Happier Holiday Season
Oct 28, 2024
Listen to the Moving Toward Better Podcast to go along with this post, Can you be grateful for 30 days in a row?
When November starts, the holiday season is upon us in the US.
That stresses so many people.
You might be one of them.
Thanksgiving in the US is a few weeks away, and you feel anything but thankful.
Christmas is a little over seven weeks away, and you feel anything but merry.
You wonder how some people are so freaking happy during the holidays while others are miserable?
You want to be one of the thankful, but right now, you’re not.
That’s part of the reason for this 30 days of thanks invitation.
Years ago someone invited me to participate.
I did and it changed my view of the holidays and life in general.
This 30 day gratitude challenge is an invitation to participate in 30 days of thankfulness.
You play, you win even if it’s only part time.
Why 30 days of thanks?
Everyone has challenges, especially during the holidays.
Some rise to them.
Some whine through them, and some run from them entirely.
The problem with whining and running is nothing changes.
The same challenges show up over and over until we deal with and master them.
Have your ever noticed that?
You imagine a perfect holiday season, and then you look at your finances, your home or your relationships and the perfection you imagine seems impossible which sends you spiraling downward.
The truth is that everyone has challenges, but changing your approach is the difference between a holiday season of stress and angst or one of peace, joy and gratitude.
30 days of thanks helps you have more peace and enjoy the season more than you think possible.
When it isn’t all fun and family
Listen, failure, stress and angst happen.
As someone who loves the holidays, I decided years ago to write a book about it and proceeded to have some of my worst holiday seasons ever.
It took several tries over several years to create The Happiest Holidays Planner about the journey from disastrous to delightful holidays.
Am I a failure?
Some might say yes, but they don’t understand the journey.
It was during that time I started doing 30 days of thanks, and the vision for the book got bigger.
That’s why I kept postponing it.
I wrote other books instead, and I honed my holiday skills so I could write from a place of authority.
That’s real life.
I’m thankful for it, and the book is better because of it.
I even included a section to help you create your own 30 days of thanks because I think it’s that important.
So how does 30 days of thanks work?
Quite simply, this works any way you want it to.
Maybe you take a few minutes each morning or each evening to think about the things you’re grateful for.
Maybe, you begin to write them down as a personal journal entry.
That could turn into a daily post on your personal Facebook page.
The year I launched the Moving Toward Better Facebook page, I started posting a daily graphic with my gratitude statement for the day.
I continue to do that each year..
They may not all resonate, but I hope they inspire you to be more grateful because 30 days of thanks is designed to help everyone to appreciate their own life more.
Your personal invitation to join 30 days of thanks
Consider this your personal invitation to join the 30 days of thanks for this year.
You can find peace, joy, love and grace every day of this season.
Will there be issues? Of course.
Will people still get under your skin?
Possibly, but maybe not as much or as badly.
This season is about you having your best holiday season possible.
That’s the wish for you not only for the next 30 days, but for the next several weeks and the rest of your life.
Dreading the holiday stress? The solution starts here.
These helpful tips are only the beginning of your happier. more peaceful holiday season Enter your name and email address to grab your free copy of 7 ways to reduce Holiday Stress right now.
Your Thanksgiving bonus
As a little bonus, here are several recipes to make Thanksgiving easier and more streamlined if you happen to celebrate that holiday.
No matter what your plans, you can use one of these recipes and add some deliciousness to the Thanksgiving table.
If you don’t celebrate Thanksgiving, they make great Christmas recipes too.
(these recipes are still under construction, so keep coming back to check them out as you can)
Choose from turkey, stuffing, gravy, mashed potatoes, mashed sweet potatoes and butternut squash, baked apples and grain free pumpkin pie or check them all out at one time in this Easy Thanksgiving Recipes post.
This is only the beginning of the holiday season so look out for more goodies and holiday success secrets.
Get your 7 ways to reduce holiday stress above or below and see how much better the holiday season can be.
It is always our mission to encourage you to live your best life and let the rest go, but never more so than during the holiday season.
You deserve to have a happy holiday season.
Look for the daily gratitude posts on the Moving Toward Better Facebook page and let’s make this the best holiday season possible!
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