Dear Moms of the World
Oct 14, 2021
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Moms of the world are very different, but we share some amazing traits too.
This podcast is a love letter to the moms of the world.
Being a mom is difficult.
It’s more difficult overcoming other mothers’ judgement.
It’s time to stop the Mommy Wars and realize we’re all doing the best for out kids as we see it.
There are so many great moms, and if you want to highlight one, please send an email to [email protected], and maybe we'll talk about or to that person on a future podcast.
Being a mom has been the greatest challenge and blessing in my life.
If you feel the same, let me know.
If I can help you with a mothering issue, ask away.
Send an email, and we can work it out together.
Want to learn more about some amazing moms?
Get the book Everyday Heroes of Motherhood.
Everyday Heroes of Motherhood is a collection of stories about amazing moms you’ll probably never hear about that do an extraordinary job of mothering in difficult circumstances.
You can buy the ebook here and the print version here.
You can check out all the Moving Toward Better podcast episodes at
To make sure that you always know when there is a new episode, subscribe to the podcast and become a member of the Moving Toward Better email community where you’ll get access everything going on at
Until next time, thanks for listening and remember to keep moving toward better so you can live your best life and let the rest go!
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